“from your skin to my ears”

A blog post by Rosemary Ramos

Allow me to first introduce myself to those who do not know me yet. My name is Rosemary Ramos, most call me Rosie. I am a second-generation  Puerto Rican, who was born in Massachusetts, and raised in a very  Spanish home. I am the youngest of four girls (have no idea how my mom survived PMS all month long essentially with us). But she did and she will always be part of my story. Love you, Mom! 

I will start my story from when I started my skincare career as this blog will be about skincare, health (not an expert or Dr.), self-care, mindfulness,  wisdom, beauty in all things, and a sprinkle of Rosie-isms. 

My career in skincare was born out of necessity but motivated by a love of self-care. I was a young single mom and needed to figure out a career that would allow me to be that, most importantly, and do what I love. I  knew very early on in life that doing what fires me up mentally, and emotionally was essential to my happiness and joy. I would also like to add, that before my son, I would spend my last dollar on a good haircut rather than fill my gas tank just to appreciate my very young priorities in life  (that changed quickly).  

I remember going to an open house at Catherine Hinds, school of  Aesthetics in the fall of 1996 and knew at orientation this was what I  needed and wanted to do. I applied for financial aid and was enrolled in the winter program. On the first day of orientation, I remember the speaker/instructor saying “Today is your first day of being an aesthetician”  and I never looked back and have been counting from that day. Today I sit and write this blog 28 years later and I want to take you on my journey of all the things I have practiced and have learned along the way. 

“From your skin to my ears” is about all of the beautiful conversations I  have had with you, my guests, who have entered my space where I hold you and your energy to help you release and recharge. I always wanted to start a podcast talking about all of the things I have heard and imparted about life and your skin within my treatment room. I have had profound conversations and have met my closest friends in the room. “from your skin to my ears” are the stories your skin has told me beyond the skin.

Wow, I am doing this? I can’t wait to share my stories, and knowledge over the years, to maybe remind you of what you already know, make my special drinks for hydration, share my broth recipes (take-a-deep-broth),  and being a woman navigating love, loss, triumph, menopause and staying relevant so that we can have great conversations. 

Stay tuned for my first official blog post on sleep, its benefits to your overall well-being, and the main ingredient to better skin. 

Love, Rosie 

P.S. would love to hear, what you want to hear about from me.